How to Use false sense of security in a Sentence
false sense of security
noun phrase-
And most of all, don’t let your excitement to be in a new place lure you into a false sense of security.
—, The Mercury News, 1 July 2024
The bottom line: Don't let the date on the calendar lull you into a false sense of security.
—Jessica Boehm, Axios, 2 Oct. 2024
The Cubs may well wind up with the sixth-best rotation ERA in the majors this season, but that shouldn’t create a false sense of security.
—Patrick Mooney, The Athletic, 3 Aug. 2024
First, floaties create a false sense of security for kids and their parents.
—Lisa M Zarda, The Mercury News, 11 July 2024
The truth is, even if there is some false sense of security, fintech apps offer certain customers features that big banks can’t or won’t.
—Adam Clark Estes, Vox, 7 Dec. 2018
By the looks of the trailer, the real villain of the movie is a deceptive blueberry pie candle that lulls the two women into a false sense of security.
—Lester Fabian Brathwaite,, 25 June 2024
Such climate models can, at times, mislead us regarding our progress and bring a false sense of security.
—Devika Rao, The Week, 23 Aug. 2023
The Philly-via-Austin group have cracked their own formula for suspenseful songs with a magnetic false sense of security.
—Margaret Farrell, SPIN, 2 Aug. 2024
Readers also commented that brighter LED lighting may cause drivers to go faster as the lighting gives them a false sense of security.
—Ben Blatt, New York Times, 14 Dec. 2023
The man who made these promises was, like a number of other Christians, hired by al Shabab to lull potential recruits into a false sense of security.
—Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens, Foreign Affairs, 27 July 2015
Getting it wrong has consequences: A test that fails to identify a person at risk may give both the patient and the doctor a false sense of security about opioid use, the authors wrote.
—Berkeley Lovelace Jr., NBC News, 4 Apr. 2024
Relatively high cash returns over the past year or two in some types of cash accounts — perhaps around 5% or more — may have lulled investors into a false sense of security.
—Greg Iacurci, CNBC, 16 Sep. 2024
Pope Francis has said nuclear weapons create nothing but a false sense of security.
—Letters To The Editor, Hartford Courant, 30 Apr. 2024
In fact, some sunglasses give you a false sense of security and really don’t offer enough UV protection.
—Alyssa Hui, Verywell Health, 21 May 2024
The current absence of armed conflict in Antarctica has created a false sense of security.
—Elizabeth Buchanan, Foreign Affairs, 18 Mar. 2024
In the coming age of novel microbes, focusing attention on a small list of special pathogens and toxins, such as the Ebola virus, anthrax, and botulinum, offers a false sense of security.
—Laurie Garrett, Foreign Affairs, 1 Nov. 2013
Even in simpler times, isolationism never offered more than a false sense of security.
—Joseph R. Biden, Foreign Affairs, 7 Aug. 2016
Those who interpret these efforts as a way for Moscow and Beijing to boost their countries’ soft power are missing the mark and risk perpetuating a false sense of security.
—Christopher Walker, Foreign Affairs, 16 Nov. 2017
By infecting legitimate websites, in this instance users would be lulled into a false sense of security initially, but the redirect to a fake web store is when alarm bells should start to ring.
—Zak Doffman, Forbes, 6 Nov. 2024
Essentially, Hardy is using Johnny’s voice to lull viewers into a false sense of security.
—Marco Della Cava, USA TODAY, 22 June 2024
However, rarity shouldn’t lull one into a false sense of security.
—Craig Caudill, Field & Stream, 30 Nov. 2023
These seemingly innocuous devices give responsible parents a false sense of security with the assumption that the inflatables will keep their kids safe and help teach them to swim.
—Lisa M Zarda, The Mercury News, 11 July 2024
According to police, Olds boasted about his success in the film industry to charm women on dating apps and lure them into a false sense of security before turning violent.
—Christian Holub,, 8 Aug. 2024
Applying sunscreen can also encourage people to spend more time in the sun; a link has been found between sunburns and sunscreen use, because a sloppy application lends a false sense of security.
—Grace Browne, WIRED, 12 July 2023
But the mountain’s sheer familiarity — millions of people live within an hour of the trailhead — can create a false sense of security, especially in winter.
—Jack Dolan, Los Angeles Times, 10 Aug. 2023
So fears about how rising inflation and spiraling costs will impact them may have been squashed by their employer’s splashing cash at them, potentially giving them a false sense of security.
—Orianna Rosa Royle, Fortune Europe, 29 Feb. 2024
Police say the three Jane Does reported that Olds lured them into a false sense of security during their initial encounters, then turned violent without seeking their consent.
—Tatiana Siegel, Variety, 8 Aug. 2024
And although insurance companies have their own experts to calculate flood risk, FEMA maps can lull homeowners into a false sense of security.
—Sarah Raza,, 18 Sep. 2023
Like children, parents can’t afford a false sense of security: Nine out of 10 drowning deaths occur when a caregiver is supervising but not paying attention.
—Lisa M Zarda, The Mercury News, 11 July 2024
Experts warn that people might mistakenly feel a false sense of security with lower-category storms.
—Dinah Voyles Pulver, USA TODAY, 5 Aug. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'false sense of security.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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